The daughters’ wishlists for Christmas this year were very short and after an alteration, even shorter. Oldest daughter wanted an iPhone, a puppy and a jewelry stand. Youngest daughter wanted a puppy and a funky lamp or two. After having been walking our neighbor’s three dogs for several days, ”a puppy” has now been erased from their lists. Don’t get me wrong, the girls still love animals and dogs in particular, but they have realized that dogs do need a certain amount of attention and daily walks – even if it’s raining, hailing and snowing. The girls came to the conclusion that it’s better to ask the neighbor if they can walk her dogs when they feel like it and when the weather is good. The oldest also changed her mind about an iPhone, she already has an iPad. ”We already have everything and we’re too old for toys” said the daughters. I must say, that despite the lack of ideas on what to get for my girls, it felt good to hear them say this, to hear that I haven’t raised greedy children. They are happy with what they have even during the season when greed is almost expected from children and also sometimes from adults.
My list is very short too. I don't want anything. Maybe breakfast in bed sometime and a weekend when I don't have to come up with the menu or cook or do anything house-related at all. That's all.
My husband always says he doesn’t want anything special for Christmas and then he’s always the one who comes up with the longest list. This year he wants a special camera that can be put on the head so he can take photos while skiing, windsurfing or any other sport when he needs both hands. He also wants a special watch for when he takes up running again. He also wants kite surfing lessons, windsurfing lessons and a dive trip to the Great Barrier Reef. I finished my Christmas shopping for my husband this morning and if he’s expecting to get anything from his list, he’s in for a big surprise. My youngest daughter suggested to me this morning that I should get him underwear. ”He buys underwear for you every year” she said, ”you should get him a pair of boxers so he can see how boring it is to get underwear for Christmas. It’s like getting socks. Who wants to get socks for Christmas?”