So, yesterday was the day I’ve been waiting for; first day of school. Oldest Daughter started secondary and we went with what seems to be very popular here in our area; a girls’ school. When I first heard about girls’ and boys’ schools I found it to be very outdated and old-fashioned, not to mention incredibly boring. But I must say that I see the benefits of a girls’ school; it’s a calmer and more quiet environment, the facilities are cleaner and in better condition. The atmosphere is pleasant and the girls look happy and friendly. When I was old enough to have boyfriends, I never met any of them in school, I might as well have gone to a girls’ school! Our Oldest was very happy with her first day of school and was looking forward to today when she was going to have both textile and cooking lessons for the first time in her life. Welcome to a Western society! Here we can do most things ourselves and do not need to hire someone else to do it for us.
Youngest Daughter made her usual drama about starting school again: ”Can I not be home schooled instead, please mamma, pleeeeeeeeeease?” ”I’m feeling sick.” ”I miss my friends in Kuwait/Mexico/Thailand and I want to move back there instead”. She refused to take a shower in the night and was fussy about everything before bedtime. Same procedure as every year. In the morning, she was happy, got into the shower, dressed quickly and was very happy to go to school. She even told me to leave, ran off to her friends without saying good bye. Same procedure as every year. A couple of minutes later she was walking with her friends, laughing and looking very happy to be back in school. She had a really good day in school she said. Of course.
I had been counting the days until the Daughters started school again, I should be rejoicing, relaxing, doing whatever I wanted to. I was singing ”Freedom” in the car on the way back home. I’m not blessed with a singing voice but in small spaces and in the shower, the acoustics are pretty forgiving. I came home and it felt really empty without my girls. I missed them! So I cried a little bit, like I always do. Every year. Same procedure.
This photo has absolutely nothing to do with my text. I just like it; very peaceful, very Australian.