Friday, 15 March 2013

Millionaire me!

I have a special e-mail account for this blog, in case you feel like you want to write something nice or encouraging to me. I don’t check it very often but when I do, I always have a number of e-mails waiting for me.

African and South American bankers and business men and women in countries where the regime does not allow them to make business or is trying to confiscate their fortune, they all turn to me for my kind assistance in lending them my bank account. In return, I will get handsomely rewarded. I also get a couple of business propositions every week from successful business men who have singled me out as an investor and potential partner. I’m honored, truly honored that they can see my potential as a driven and sharp business woman. However, I’m very busy with things that mothers and housewives do and I cannot invest time nor money into these ventures... of... well, I can't say what the businesses are being described -  if they even are being described - as I am not reading most of these e-mails.

These past couple of days I have gotten two absolutely fantastic e-mails to this e-account: one from Western Union Bank in Benin and one from a lady banker in Burkina Faso. In Burkina Faso, a multi-millonaire passed away in 2002 and left his fortune to his next of kin who has now passed as well. And you know what? I am the lucky person to inherit ten million three hundred thousand American dollars! They have chosen me to be the next of kin. All I have to do is provide my banking information and they will immediately transfer the money to me. In Benin, some generous person has set up a fund with two and a half million US dollars in my name and I will get four thousand dollars every month transferred into my account - starting as soon as I  provide my banking information and they will immediately transfer the money to me without any delays. I am deeply touched by the kindness of the unknown people in countries I have never even been close to visiting, who find that I am the rightful heir of their fortunes. Thank you so much! Not to seem ungrateful or anything, but I would much rather prefer some nice e-mails regarding my blog. That however, would really make me feel as a million dollars. American dollars.

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