Sunday, 5 May 2013

FAQ by Oz mothers

Americans are famed for their ability to shallow small talk – anywhere and anytime. I find that Australians are just as capable; I have met some very friendly and pleasant people in shops, at the bank and so on. But when it comes to socializing with newcomers in school and in the neighborhood, the Australians are even more reserved than Swedes. They simply do not engage in conversations and should you actually manage to get start a conversation you have to work hard on not letting it die out.

There are two questions though that I have been asked by the mothers in school I have managed to have halfhearted conversations with. These ladies have not asked me for my name, how many children I have, how long we have lived here, where we come from, what I think about Australia, if I work. What they are interested in knowing is if we rent our house or if we bought it. Half of the Australians rent their homes, 51% to be exact. I tell them that we rent our abode and I see a satisfied smirk on their faces. ”That pompous European woman with her flat ironed hair and her European city suv, she doesn’t even own her home here – HA!” they seem to think. At least I own my car which is probably more than most mothers in school do. So HA right back at ya’.
                        Our stomping grounds - if ever so temporarily 

The other question these women ask me is how many languages I speak. Having lived in a number of countries, I have picked up a number of languages. I only practice Swedish and English in my daily life but there are three more that I have been more or less fluent in during a period of my life. When I have answered the questions, I am often asked to list the languages and I get asked if I dream in these languages too. No, I do not dream in any other language than my native. If I do, I cannot remember as I was not fully conscious during my sleep. I was in fact sleeping. Hoping to keep the conversation going, I have returned the questions. ”Only English” they have all answered. One even just walked away from me. One told her daughter that she ”felt so stupid” when she heard how many languages I speak when she only speaks English. Well, being Swedish we don’t really have much choice if we want to be able to communicate with people outside our country. Australia is a huge country and a continent in itself, English is widely spoken in the world, I say in a feeble attempt to console. Next time, I won’t try to console – I’ll just remind them that I may speak five languages but I am renting my house. I know that it will make them feel so much better.  
                                 A Tassie devil; just because he is cute!

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