Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Summer costumes for Oz construction workers?

Summer season 2012-2013 is here and it is really here, really! We live in a new development and the constructions are still ongoing around us. When the temperature gets over 20C and the sun is out, I feel like I’m living in a music video from the 80’s; all the constructions workers in their 25’s – 40’s are taking off their t-shirts and work with bare torsos! They are all suntanned and muscular and they are working like that, just outside my house where my panoramic windows are providing me with a first-class view. I’m almost expecting them to start singing ”Macho Man” like some Australian 2012-version of the Village People, except they don’t have an native American with a tomahawk in his hand and plumage on his head on their crew. Since I'm a married mother of 2, I have absolutely no interest in watching these hardworking men just outside my windows. I'm just mentioning this in case anyone was wondering what Australian construction workers are wearing during summer. That's all. Absolutely of no interest to me what so ever. 

Not only construction workers feel inclined to shed their clothes this time of the year, there are semi-dressed people just about anywhere. I realize this is perfectly normal in a Western society, I just need a little more time to get used to it. I dropped my jaw to the floor when I was in the grocery store the other week. A man in his 60’s - and not with Arnold Schwarznegger’s 60-year old body I might add – was walking around in nothing but a pair of shorts and flip-flops on. He held his groceries to his bare chest and all I can say is that I’m happy I wasn’t coming to his house for dinner. 

I’m going to finish this blog entry here. It’s nice weather outside and we live quite close to the beach. Walking distance actually. Cheerio!

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