Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Exciting shopping where you least expect it!

Thanks to the Melbourne Cup, this has been a long weekend for most Melbourne residents. On Saturday we decided to go to one of our favorite places here, the Royal Melbourne Zoo. My husband however, does not qualify as one of those with the long work-free weekend. He needed to make some calls and answers some e-mails so he brought along his iPad. He found a place in the shadow, between the giant turtoise and the meerkat enclosures, where he set up his temporary office. Just as he started calling one of his colleagues, an Indian family set up camp right next to him and started changing diapers and feeding their hungry horde. They were really noisy so I did what I thought was right: I took our daughters and left my husband to deal with the loud family himself. If you decide to set up a temporary office on a bench in the zoo on a sunny Saturday, you will most likely suffer the consequences. The girls and I strolled through the zoo, finding our way to the Asian food stall where my husband also joined us several phone calls and a couple of mails later. In the little souvenir shop there, dedicated to butterflies and bugs, I found a lovely thermometer that will look wonderful out on the balcony. Who doesn’t want a thermometer with butterflies? It’s gorgeous and it made me a very happy lady. Anyone who says money can’t buy happiness simply doesn’t know where to shop. And I found happiness in the Butterflies and Bugs’ shop at the Royal Melbourne Zoo. 

I did some more shopping in the weekend. I needed a new pillow, the first I bought gave me a stiff neck and it made me quite cranky. Hopefully I will sleep like a princess tonight and wake up tomorrow feeling rested and energetic. Ah yes, and I bought a sewing machine too. I found both these items at the Big Swedish Furniture Place. I cannot sew. I learned the basics in school 30 years ago and I have never evolved after that. Now the time has come to step it up a bit and maybe sew some clothes or maybe just start with a table cloth for Christmas and work my way up from there. As I said, the shopping this weekend made me one happy lady. Oh, I almost forgot, how come I keep forgetting this one?! I bought a car too. Right. I bought a car...

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